If there is one term to describe every business owner it is BUSY.
As a business owner in Pittsburgh you are required to wear many hats. You must be in charge of sales and marketing, the book keeping and financial management, operating the business, hiring, IT, and much more. This is a necessity as you are starting out and don't have the consistent income to hire someone to fill all these roles.
This normally leads to very long days and worn out entrepreneurs. One way to alleviate this concern is with outsourcing. Due to technological advancements and ton's of softwares at bottom dollar pricing, it is now very easy to outsource a ton of these tasks. As a business owner it is not just about producing a profit, but also how to be as efficient as possible so you can scale.
No business owner has ambitions to just break even and run their company from one location. Owners get into business to do something great! In order to get to that level, you must scale your business and utilize different tools to do so on a budget. The cost to hire a marketing manager, CPA, IT professional, staff to manage the operations, and consultants is way to expensive for a small business. So instead, we switch to using technology to outsource!
Consider each hour and each task of every day. It can be as simple as how you are communicating with customers, staff, collecting receipts, booking meetings, etc. Every detail should be considered and hopefully outsourced. There are so many platforms now that can collect customer's info automatically to transfer to an email campaign, send text reminders, formulate on your calendar with gps and phone numbers to get to your meetings, book keeping, and much more.
These platforms have now become available to the small business owner at very low rates. Some of our favorites include Quickbooks, Mailchimp, Zapier, and Google Calendar.
Incorporate some of these platforms in your business and watch how much time you save, how much data you collect, and the ease of operations for you and your customers!